Gerrie's Happily Ever After

Cat Town could not help cats without people like you, so today, in thanks, we’re telling you about a senior cat you helped: Gerrie. 


Gerrie is 12 years old, walks with a limp, and has trouble getting around. He also needs a special diet and medication to help with his kidney function and arthritis, and has a history of night-yowling and missing his litter box. That might seem like a lot for one cat, but we knew that Gerrie still deserved a second chance. We set him up in a calm foster home, where one of our superstar fosters helped him feel at ease right away. Our staff made sure he had no medical reason for his litter box troubles, and taught him to use a timed feeder so that he wouldn’t yell for food at night. We worked to make it easier for him to get into his litter box, and he soon got back on track using it. Before we knew it, Gerrie was ready to get adopted!

We knew he’d need someone patient and understanding, who would meet him where he was. What we didn’t know is that he'd soon encounter an incredible couple of adopters, with lots of experience loving senior cats like him. They fell head over heels for Gerrie, and brought him home! Recently they sent us this update:

We love this little guy very much and are so happy he’s part of our family.
— Celeste M., Gerrie's Adopter

Gerrie has been such a sweetheart, and so easy to care for. He lets us know when he's hungry and when he wants his cuddles, and he and my husband have become inseparable. Gerrie loves to cuddle with him whenever he gets a chance — it's just too cute! The two of them always sit together, watching TV or taking naps. We recently bought him a cat house teepee with a heating pad and he LOVES it. He sleeps most of the day in it. 

He's got a healthy appetite, and we're working on getting him more exercise by helping him walk around with a sling a few times a day. When we first brought him home, he would lie down the entire time while drinking and eating, and couldn't walk 5-feet before he would lie down. Now he's able to eat sitting and standing up, and can walk 20-feet without stopping. Gerrie has started physical therapy, and we're getting him a custom leg brace that arrives in the next 2-weeks. Also, he has not been yowling at night! 

This past weekend, we have started taking Gerrie for neighborhood walks with us inside his "cat modified" backpack and camo harness. It helps him get some fresh air and sun, but it also brings such a HUGE smile to our neighbors when they see him. He's super chill and enjoys the outdoor adventure.

We love this little guy very much and are so happy he's part of our family.



We’ve always known that Cat Town has the best adopters, but it’s in moments like these we are again reminded just how fabulous our community is.

When Cat Town was founded almost 10 years ago, we counted on the goodness of people to support the overlooked shelter cats that needed our help — and we were not let down. Thank you for making it possible for cats like Gerrie to find adopters who will understand him, appreciate him, and love him. Because of your support, Gerrie found love!

From all of us at Cat Town, we hope your holidays are full of love and joy. 


Seeing is Believing!


Artist Profile: Ekke!