Artist Profile: Ekke!

The colorful murals at Cat Town don’t just paint themselves — but the speed and talent with which Michelle Chen (aka Ekke!) created our alien cat legacy mural made it feel as though it might have sprung to life on its own, fully formed. The vibrant colors make our Adoption Center a joyous space for guests and adopters alike — and the funds raised by the donations it has generated has helped us save more shelter cats.

Put yourself out there and don’t be afraid.
— Ekke!
Cat Town’s legacy mural by Ekke!, photo courtesy of Mogli Maureal.

Cat Town’s legacy mural by Ekke!, photo courtesy of Mogli Maureal.

Cat Town: What is your biggest source of inspiration?

Ekke!: My biggest sources of inspiration are street art and the mash-up of my American and Asian culture. Being able to paint murals and having my art accessible by the public is a big part of my motivation to create as well. I hope to inspire others through my art, and I’m very grateful to have lived and worked in the Bay Area for the past 10 years, where I’ve met so many great artists and people that also inspire me every day. 

Photo courtesy of Mogli Maureal.

Photo courtesy of Mogli Maureal.

CT: Do you have a favorite project in your portfolio?

E: Without a doubt, the mural I did at Cat Town is my favorite project. It has a special place in my heart, as I was able to let my imagination go wild and create a legacy mural that would continue to help save cat lives now and into the future. Having the chance to work with the great team at Cat Town and having my best friend Zina Rubiner assist me in painting a three-eyed alien robot cat taking over the Oakland skyline was a dream come true! 

CT: Have you always loved cats, and do you have any cats at home?

E: Unfortunately, I’m unable to have any pets live inside my apartment, but I probably would in a heartbeat if I could! I’m a huge cat lover and try to pet all the neighborhood cats on my walks if they let me, haha! While working on the mural at Cat Town, I developed a special fondness for a black cat named Ford (who has been adopted!) who watched us paint the mural from start to finish. 

Ford is now off living his best life, but while Ekke! was creating our legacy mural, he watched while keeping safely away from all the paint.

Ford is now off living his best life, but while Ekke! was creating our legacy mural, he watched while keeping safely away from all the paint.

CT: What other organizations do you support through your art?

E: One of my favorite things about creating art is being able to share it and help support other local and non-profit organizations. I’ve painted another cat mural for the kitten adoption room at Oakland Animal Services, making it more welcoming for the public. A few of my other favorite projects have been painting community murals with local Oakland youth in Chinatown, designing the first Oakland Public Library Mobile Outreach Vehicle (Editor’s Note: You can read about this awesome project on the Dragon School 99 blog), and collaborating with the Oakland Asian Cultural Center. 

CT: Do you have any advice for artists looking to get more involved with their community?

E: Put yourself out there and don’t be afraid to reach out to artists and non-profits via their social media or websites to ask how to get involved with projects or volunteering. It’s a great way to connect with your community and meet great people! 

Photo of spray paint cans (header) and of Ekke! (above) courtesy of @54ghosts.

Photo of spray paint cans (header) and of Ekke! (above) courtesy of @54ghosts.

CT: Is there anything else you'd like to add?

E: Thanks to all the people at Cat Town who have made such a huge difference for helping so many cats in Oakland! The work you do is so special and beautiful!

You can follow Michelle’s ever-expanding network of murals on Instagram and see her portfolio on her website.


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