Staying Together: Carlo, Theo, and Bimini's Story
Your support helped us bring 378 cats into happy and loving homes in 2024, and ensured we can continue focusing on supporting the cats who need us most. While we’ve already shared many of our team’s favorite adoptions with you from the past year, we have one more to share. This is Belle’s story of Bimini, Carlo, and Theo.

Who Did You Save This Year (Part 3)
In this final look back at our most inspiring adoptions of 2024, we’re reminded that no matter how challenging a cat’s journey may be, every one of them deserves — and can find — a loving home with the right care and support.

Who Did You Save This Year (Part 2)
In Part 2 of our team’s most memorable adoption stories from this year, we reflect on the power of connection: the bonds between cats, the trust they build with us, and the love they bring into their new homes.

Who Did You Save This Year (Part 1)
When our team looks back at this year’s adoptions so far, we recognize the impact you’ve made on each of the 399 cats who found homes. From overlooked fearful cats to shy and misunderstood seniors, every cat’s successful adoption started with you in our corner, giving us the time, resources, and belief that these cats can be celebrated and deserve a second chance.

Celebrating 10 Years
In October 2014, Cat Town made history by opening America’s first cat cafe, right here in Oakland. We launched this adoption center with a big dream and radical vision: to help older, shy, and sick cats have their chance at adoption, and prove that cats least likely to be adopted could find a home with the right support. In our first year of operating, we saved 467 cats — more cats than in our previous three years of work combined.

Finding Carmen Sandiego
Cat Town microchips each of our cats, so that if they ever turn up lost, we can be reached to help reunite them with their guardian — or, if need be, take them back into our care. When we received an email that one of our cats had been recovered, we phoned the finder to learn what had happened.