Taking a chance — for Pita
I’ve worked in animal welfare for nearly three decades now, and one of the reasons I love working for Cat Town is that we take chances. Often, this means a cat who wouldn’t have been saved otherwise can get the support they need. That was certainly the case for Pita! Pita was living in a feral colony in July before arriving at the Oakland Animal Services city shelter. She hid in a tiny “feral box” inside her shelter cage, and was…

Seeing is Believing!
When I think of Cat Town, I think of life-changing transformations, like the one we saw with Farallon just a few weeks ago. Farallon arrived at the city shelter in a terrible state. He hadn’t eaten for days, and was deteriorating so quickly that the shelter sent us an SOS message to come and help him. Our team rushed him to Cat Town, to be seen at our veterinarian and get the care he urgently needed. We quickly learned that Farallon had…

Gerrie's Happily Ever After
Cat Town could not help cats without people like you, so today, in thanks, we’re telling you about a senior cat you helped: Gerrie. Gerrie is 12 years old, walks with a limp, and has trouble getting around. He also needs a special diet and medication to help with his kidney function and arthritis, and has a history of night-yowling and missing his litter box. That might seem like a lot for one cat, but we…

Bobbie and Vanessa
Sometimes cats need you to be their hero. Other times, they’re the inspiration we need to keep doing our best. Bobbie arrived at Cat Town, partially blind with cataracts, severely inflamed skin, and a sore mouthful of bad teeth. Thankfully, Cat Town was able to get her out of the shelter and into a foster home…

Every Cat is Family
I know from experience that Cat Town does all they can to help the cats who need the most support. My story starts with a cat named Bruno, the first of three wonderful cats I adopted from Cat Town. Bruno was an 8 year old black cat with a cauliflower ear. Before he came to Cat Town, he had been in a cage for 7 years…

Who Did You Save This Year? (Part 2)
In November we shared some of our favorite adoption stories of the year with you. Today, we’re sharing three more staff favorites. We can’t tell you enough how grateful we are that you make it possible for us to help these cats all year long. Thank you for making sure they get to have happily-ever-afters…