Seeing is Believing!

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When I think of Cat Town, I think of life-changing transformations, like the one we saw with Farallon just a few weeks ago.

Farallon arrived at the city shelter in a terrible state. He hadn’t eaten for days, and was deteriorating so quickly that the shelter sent us an SOS message to come and help him. Our team rushed him to Cat Town, to be seen at our veterinarian and get the care he urgently needed.

We quickly learned that Farallon had an upper respiratory infection, severe dehydration, and painful ulcers in his mouth. He wasn’t eating or grooming. His body was weak, scraggly, and covered in flea dirt. At one year old, he weighed only 6 pounds.

Diagnosis in hand, we placed this sweet boy into foster care, and gave him medication to heal his mouth as well as an oral analgesic to numb his painful sores. The difference was immediate. He could eat again, drink again, and clean himself. His ulcers healed. Under the careful watch of his foster, he gained weight at a safe and healthy speed — in spite of his “sneaky snacking” on her own cat’s dinner. His true, loving spirit began to shine through, so of course it didn’t take long for him to find his family after that!

Now, Farallon gallops around his home, plays gently with his new cat brothers, helps his teenage human with her homework, and stays close to his people. In the words of his adopter, “he’s a keeper.”


For so many of the cats at Cat Town, the work we do only makes sense when you can see where they started from. Farallon needed immediate medical attention, and thanks to people like you, we were able to act quickly to save his life. Supporters like you empower Cat Town to do the most good we can, whenever we’re needed.

At an open-intake shelter like Oakland Animal Services, there simply aren’t enough resources to give every cat the medical care they need — which is why an anonymous Cat Town donor is matching your Giving Tuesday donations tomorrow and today to help these cats! This challenge starts now, and ends at 8am on Wednesday, so please consider making a gift today to help twice as many cats receive life-changing medical care.


November 2020 Adoptions


Gerrie's Happily Ever After