Can I bring food and drinks into the Cat Zone?
Yes, food and drink are available for purchase at Souvenir Coffee, attached to Cat Town.
Can I bring my cat(s) to the Cat Zone?
No. Bringing in cats from outside would not only be stressful for our cats, but likely stressful for your cat (and us!).
Where do you get the cats that are in the Cat Zone?
Cat Town's mission is to help cats from Oakland Animal Services (OAS / Oakland's municipal shelter), so that's where we get the majority of our cats. When possible, we also take in adoptable cats from other local municipal shelters and Trap-Neuter-Return organizations, including Berkeley Animal Care Services, Hayward Animal Services, Full Circle Cats, ICRA, and others.
I'm no longer able to keep my cat. Can you take her in your adoption center or into a foster home?
No, we do not take in cats directly. Our mission is to help at-risk cats at Oakland Animal Services, and other municipal shelters. We do not accept stray cats or cats surrendered directly from the public, unless they were originally adopted from Cat Town or Maine Coon Adoptions. Please consider listing your cat on our Home To Home website here.
Do the cats live at cat town?
Until they are adopted, yes! Cat Town started as a foster based program, and the Cat Zone is our own permanent foster space, so this is their cage-free home until they find their family. If anyone gets sick or is stressed, we'll get them into a foster home until they're adopted.
Do I need to make a reservation?
It's not required but we highly recommend it. Walk-in reservations are welcome as space permits. A $12 entry-fee is required for all guests.
Serious potential adopters do not need to pay for entry. Just complete our Adoption Inquiry form ahead of your visit and we'll put you in touch with our staff to secure a free appointment.
How many people/cats are in the Cat Zone at one time?
We allow up to 10 people in the Cat Zone per hour, to minimize stress, and give potential adopters and other visitors the opportunity for quality time with the cats.
What if I come into the Cat Zone and all the cats are sleeping?
Cats sleep up to 16 hours a day. While we understand that visitors hope to spend time with playful cats, it's important for the health of our cats that they be allowed to sleep when they need it. If you’d like to visit when they are more playful, we recommend that you try to visit before 12PM or after 4PM.
Are children allowed in the Cat Zone?
Yes! However, at least one adult needs to be present per two children (12 and under). We ask all visitors to help us create a calm and quiet environment for the cats.
Can I bring my Service or emotional support animal to Cat Town?
For their own safety and the safety of our cats, Emotional Support Animals (ESA) are not permitted at Cat Town. Service dogs trained to perform tasks for the benefit of an individual with a disability are welcome. If you plan on visiting with your service animal we kindly ask that you let us know of your visit in advance if possible. This will allow us to make appropriate accommodations ahead of time to ensure a good experience for you and your service animal, and to ensure the health and safety of everyone at Cat Town.
Can I volunteer in the Cat Zone?
Yes! You can become a volunteer by filling out our online form. We are also always looking for volunteers to help us at events, to assist with foster cat care, supply delivery, etc. There is something for everyone!
* If your question is not listed here please send an email to reservations[@]cattownoakland.org or info[@]cattownoakland.org.
* Please note that we receive a lot of email and we may not be able to reply as quickly as we would like. We appreciate your understanding.