4 Tips on Keeping Houseplants with Cats

A few years back, some friends of mine told me a harrowing tale about how their cat got into a bouquet of lilies that were sitting on their dining room table. Long story short: a large medical bill and a huge scare later, they (and I) learned that lilies are not only poisonous to cats, but potentially deadly as well. Ever since, I’ve been extremely cautious about bouquets of flowers, but let’s be honest — I don’t receive flowers that often, so I chose to plantify my home with more permanent greenery. So what about houseplants? Can indoor plants be toxic to cats as well? The answer is yes!

Which plants are pet friendly?

Rattlesnake plant

Rattlesnake plant

While there are many houseplants that are toxic to cats, there are also a fair amount that are cat friendly, safe, and beautiful. My personal favorite recent discovery are the various Prayer Plants in the Marantaceae family, such as the maranta or calathea genus. They include everything from rattlesnake plants, neon prayer plants, the furry feather calathea, to zebra plants. As their names imply, they come in a variety of stunning leaf forms and patterns. Coming from someone who always tries but doesn't have the most stellar plant parent record, they are also relatively easy to care for. There are other popular pet friendly plants as well, such as the spider plant, the parlor palm, or succulents.

Shop locally in the pet-friendly section

There are many places you can shop for plants online, but your local nursery and plants shops might have a pet-friendly plant section in their store, meaning you can confidently peruse without having to wonder and worry which plants are safe for your cats. If your local shop doesn’t have a plant friendly section, they still might be able to advise, and help guide you in the right direction. Alternatively, you can research your favorite plants online, check whether they are safe on this extensive cat-safe plant list, then go to your local nursery. 

Your cat’s favorite

Possibly the most cat friendly — and supported by cats around the world — is cat grass! Cat’s naturally like to chew on grass, and by setting up an indoor cat grass planter, you can fulfill your plant parent aspirations, while also providing your cat with enrichment. Fresh cat grass or cat grass seeds can be purchased at Pet Food Express, and is easy to keep and grow!

Cats and plants

Cat grass

Cat grass

You did it! You purchased a plant that’s not toxic to your cat, and yet your cat chews on your plants leaves — so now what? While you know your cat won’t have any negative reactions, your plants might not live very long. There are a couple tricks you can use to prevent your cat from destroying their new green sibling. One is to mix 1 tablespoon of lemon juice with 1 cup of water, and spray or massage the liquid onto the plant and its leaves. If your cat is more of a dirt digger, you can place rocks on top of the soil, so your cat doesn’t have direct access to the soil. You can also use the physics of the room, and simply place your plants high up, or hang them from the ceiling in a hanging planter so your cat can’t reach them. These tricks should work for happy coexistence!


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