Artist Profile: Niki Waters
Last summer we hosted a contest — and by popular vote, the design created by Niki Waters was voted to become our next Cat Town T-shirt! We’re thrilled to highlight more of Niki’s work, and what she’s been up to since then.
“Lunchtime” by Niki Waters
Cat Town: What is your biggest source of inspiration?
Niki Waters: Life! I've been really inspired by my upbringing. I grew up in the Philippines (among other places around the world) and as a Filipino-American, I use my experiences in the Philippines as the baseline to come up with my images.
Niki’s winning design — featured now throughout our store!
CT: Do you have a favorite project in your portfolio?
NW: I have an illustration of a bunch of kids from different backgrounds sitting at lunch together (above). Having grown up going to International Schools, this was very common. We all enjoyed swapping lunches with each other and tasting foods from different countries. I really connect with that piece, and I hope that it can open peoples' minds to the fact that we are all people.
CT: How did you get involved with Cat Town?
NW: I started following you on social media! I’m a total cat lady and I love what you guys are doing to help (especially older) cats. A friend of mine who used to work there told me about what Cat Town is about and I thought, “HUH. That’s a really smart way to do this.”
“Don’t be afraid to reach out! There is always a need for visuals — art can create such an immediate response, and communities will always be happy to have a volunteer on their team with that skill set. ”
“Baluuuuut” by Niki Waters
CT: Have you always loved cats, and do you have any cats at home?
NW: I love animals, all animals. I have two cats — Delilah and Archie (short for Archibald Cox). Delilah is my love. She's 10 years old, can't meow (but she makes this weird little whisper meow), and is really good at picking up on my emotions and making me feel better when I'm down. She's my smart, sassy li'l lady. She'll always talk back to me when she's doing something she knows she shouldn't be. Archie is hilarious! He's my younger baby, so he's needy and super cuddly. Archie loves playing fetch with fuzzy cat toys. He pays rent by eating all the bugs in the apartment.
CT: What other organizations do you support through your art?
NW: I do what I can, when I can. This year, I have worked with a nonprofit in Baltimore called Advocates for Children and Youth. We put together a video series with over 100 drawings that went with interviews of teens from Baltimore. I have also done a few fundraising events for the Black Lives Matter movement, donating funds to NAACP and The Okra Project.
CT: Awesome! Do you have any advice for artists looking to get more involved with their community?
NW: Don't be afraid to reach out! There is always a need for visuals — art can create such an immediate response, and communities will always be happy to have a volunteer on their team with that skill set. Also, be kind to yourself. Sometimes creating art for the community can be difficult if the subject matter is tough. Allow yourself the space to get away from the work for a while if it feels emotionally draining.
CT: That’s excellent advice! Is there anything else you'd like to add?
NW: Yes! EVERYONE: Adopt a cat today!
“Brunch Date” by Nicky Waters
Even if you can’t adopt a cat today, you can find Niki’s work on Instagram at @kneesandkeysart and on her website, and you can purchase her artwork on Etsy. You can also find her artwork on shirts, totes, and more in our online store!
Per Niki’s advice, don’t be afraid to reach out to use your artistic talents to further a cause you care about. Whether it’s Cat Town or another organization, teamwork makes the dream work!