July 2020 Adoptions

This year has not been a normal year by any stretch, but one silver lining is how much love our feline companions have received in these difficult times. In July, we saw an incredible 42 cats find a loving home! Because so many cats are being adopted, we’ve been able help the cats in need at Oakland Animal Services more quickly, so that they don’t have to wait to find a home.

From cats like Whisper, who was in foster care with us for 777 days, to kittens like Naya, who needed our Adoption Center when foster homes were filling up — all these cats found homes. They found love thanks to you, and thanks to compassion and love for our feline friends prevailing in difficult times.

It was love at first sight for Bryce and his adopter — and he let us know immediately. He wasn’t going to let this handsome fellow get away!

It was love at first sight for Bryce and his adopter — and he let us know immediately. He wasn’t going to let this handsome fellow get away!

Sibling pair Naya and Tioga get to share the love of their adopters! The adopters of the two young kittens had recently lost a cat and are so ready to love again.

Sibling pair Naya and Tioga get to share the love of their adopters! The adopters of the two young kittens had recently lost a cat and are so ready to love again.

Whisper showed us that love is patient — after being in a foster home for 777 days, she finally found her person who loves her unique personality.

Whisper showed us that love is patient — after being in a foster home for 777 days, she finally found her person who loves her unique personality.

This love story was written in the stars — Gri-Gri was in foster care during COVID shelter-in-place, then returned to our Adoption Center when we reopened, when her adopters realized they couldn’t live without her!

This love story was written in the stars — Gri-Gri was in foster care during COVID shelter-in-place, then returned to our Adoption Center when we reopened, when her adopters realized they couldn’t live without her!

A first time cat owner, Wheeler’s adopter watched videos online to make sure she was perfectly prepared for adopting a cat. At our Adoption Center, she brushed and pet Wheeler for 30 minutes before making it official!

A first time cat owner, Wheeler’s adopter watched videos online to make sure she was perfectly prepared for adopting a cat. At our Adoption Center, she brushed and pet Wheeler for 30 minutes before making it official!


All of our JULY Adoptions

Your love and support helped all 42 cats find their home in July!  

Did you adopt from Cat Town? Tell us how your cat is doing! We always love to hear updates from our alumni.

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When Meowing Goes from Cute to Excessive