Our First Adoption, and Beyond

In 2011, 10-year-old Lily was brought to the shelter after her caretaker could no longer care for her. She was in rough shape, with a scraggly coat and extremely underweight. She was one of the first cats we took a chance on helping at a time when the common belief was that no one would want a cat like her, and she got adopted just two weeks later — Cat Town’s first adoption.

Shortly after adopting her as a companion for her other cat, Lily's adopter had second thoughts when it wasn't immediately apparent that the two were going to hit it off. We gave her considerable support through this time, understanding that introducing a new cat into the household is often far more stressful at first than many people expect.

Soon the three were like peas in a pod, and Lily’s adopter told us, "I cannot tell you how grateful I am to you for your early and continued encouragement with Lily. I was rather frightened of her when she first came, not realizing she probably felt the same way. I remember being concerned because she would not wash, and I laughed about that last night when I was brushing her spotless, thick coat. I would not trade her for another cat in a million years."

Lily was the first of more than 3,000 cats who have found homes thanks to Cat Town’s community of volunteers, staff, and supporters. Here’s what we’ve done together since the idea of Cat Town took shape:

  • 3,134 cats who once had no way out of their shelter cages have been helped

  • Approximately 915 sick and/or injured cats received medical care, including 133 cats who had their medical expenses covered for life

  • Approximately 821 stressed or overlooked cats could let their guard down

  • Approximately 750 Forgotten Kittens learned to trust people

  • Approximately 334 senior cats found care and comfort

  • 755 cats in bonded pairs have stayed with their best friends

  • 463 cats received dedicated post-adoption support since our Case Manager program launched five years ago

  • 461 black cats stole someone’s heart

  • 99 cats with FIV and 22 cats with FeLV found homes, in spite of the stigma surrounding these health conditions

Each of these numbers is a life, just like Lily’s — but it's also more. It’s a smile on an adopter’s face. It’s a volunteer encouraging a sick cat to eat. It’s litter boxes scooped daily and countless piles of mystery goop cleaned to keep everyone we love safe and healthy. It’s celebrating the moment a cat first tries to trust us, even though they clearly still feel uncertain about it. It’s last-minute schedule changes to find a lost cat, or take someone to the vet. It’s work, and it’s never-ending, but it’s also joy with no limit.

We’re incredibly proud of the impact we’ve made for cats in this community. Thank you for making it all possible.


Farewell From Dawn


Who Did You Save This Year (Part 1)