Looking back at the previous month always warms our hearts — recalling recent adoptions, and how many cats found loving homes! Caleb and Patrick, who had been with us over a year, found their family this month, which was an especially joyful adoption for us at Cat Town.
Behind-the-Scenes Look: Emergency Medical Fund
The vet at Oakland Animal Services flagged down Dawn, our Foster Coordinator and Deputy Director, who was on her weekly volunteer shift at the shelter. “We just received a cat who’s been badly injured by a car engine — it looks like she’ll need surgery. Can Cat Town help?” Dawn took a look at Tammy’s injuries and was shocked. At least 6 inches of skin was gone, and the wound already looked as though her flesh was beginning to rot. “Of course we’ll help.” The reason Dawn could…
Volunteer of the Month: Liz L.
Behind the scenes at Cat Town, there’s an incredible volunteer team that helps with promotions, taking compelling photos of our cats that capture their distinct personalities. Liz L. is one such volunteer, who has worked with Cat Town since 2016, generously donating her time and expertise both as a photographer and case manager.
April 2019 Adoptions
In April we saw many Cat Town cats find their forever home! Bubba, who learned to trust humans again after being abused by neighborhood kids, found a safe and loving home. And Jillian — a kitten with feline leukemia — found a family in less than a day after getting overlooked at the shelter for months. We also celebrated…
Helping Hissy Kittens
I worked with Amaryllis for five months to get her ready for adoption. She grew up in a dark corner cage in a crowded shelter, her fear of humans worsening as each day passed. Only one volunteer could touch her during her shelter stay, so she was a feisty, hissy 8-month-old kitten by the time she came to Cat Town. She had to wait at the shelter until we had space, because other rescues won’t typically take under-socialized kittens.