OAKLAND — We're keeping this week's Wire short on words because a picture is worth 1000!
Check out some of our current members of the Forgotten Kitten Project in their early days with Cat Town side-by-side with more recent progress shots.
The holiday love spilled over into the new year as we helped 29 cats make their way home! Lots of forgotten kittens like Rex and Dexter, Annie and Grace, and Ginger and Astaire were adopted. And we were especially excited when long term resident, Herman, found his family.
The year is just getting started and we can't wait to connect more families in the coming months. Who knows, maybe you'll be one of our February adopters? Email us at info@cattownoakland.org to learn more and be sure to check out our full list of available cats.
Flowers are a beautiful way to show you care, but some blooms are dangerous, or even deadly, for cats. Toxic plants can have an almost immediate effect on your cat’s health, which makes it that much more important to remain vigilant when giving or receiving flowers as gifts.
Here’s a partial list of flowers to avoid if your special someone has a cat in their life. Remember: if you know or suspect that your cat has eaten a poisonous plant, don’t hesitate to contact your veterinarian immediately, whether they show symptoms or not!
Adoption Counselor. Volunteer Trainee. Kitten Socializer. These are just some of the roles our January volunteer of the month, Kathrine L., plays at Cat Town.
Since her start in 2016, Kathrine's done so much for our organization. I recently caught up with her to get some insight into volunteering, and how her service adds to her life.
OAKLAND — They may hide. They may hiss. They may take longer to snuggle up than you were expecting. But they bring so much joy. And with time and the right techniques, they will purr. And paw at your socks. And surprise you with the different facets of their personality.
Members of our Forgotten Kitten Project — cats under 1 year of age who came town Cat Town because they had no other option — often require a special guardian. Someone who understands that these older kittens are still learning to trust humans after a rough start to life in a shelter cage.
If you are thinking of adopting one of our formerly forgotten kittens, check out these four tips for success.