KissKiss's Sweet 16 Wishlist
KissKiss has been with us for one year, and we’re celebrating her 16th birthday! KissKiss is a very sweet cat, just like her name implies — but when we thought about what she might want for her birthday, we were a bit stumped. Aside from being adopted, she’s got everything she could want…

Artist Profile: Olivia Yu
At Cat Town, we’re lucky to have volunteers whose talents seem to know no bounds, and one of them is Olivia! We sat down for a chat with her to learn more about what she loves about making art, why she got involved in animal welfare, and how she combined these two passions to make an impact in her community.

What Would a Cat Bid On?
We’ve got so many one-of-a-kind finds in our Summer Yard Sale this year that even our cats have had their eyes on some items. Read on to find out what’s tickling their whiskers — and don’t forget to place your bids by Thursday, August 10!

Artist Profile: Ann Marie Itamura
We sat down with Ann Marie Itamura, Cat Town volunteer and 2023 T-Shirt design contest winner, to learn more about her craft and her involvement in the community.

Tempo Saves the Day!
July 15 is National Pet Fire Safety Day, a day to raise awareness on how to prevent and protect people and pets from fires at home. Emergencies can strike anyone at any time, so it’s a good idea to plan ahead and prepare for as many steps of the way as you can.

Deep Dive: Feral or Fearful?
For cats, socialization is a spectrum. On one end, you have extremely friendly cats who run up to greet total strangers. On the other end, you have feral cats who see people as problems to be avoided. In the middle, you have cats who haven’t made up their minds about people yet.