Every Cat is Family
I know from experience that Cat Town does all they can to help the cats who need the most support. My story starts with a cat named Bruno, the first of three wonderful cats I adopted from Cat Town. Bruno was an 8 year old black cat with a cauliflower ear. Before he came to Cat Town, he had been in a cage for 7 years…

Cat Town is a Lifeline for Seniors Like Tony
Most senior cats who find themselves in a shelter cage share some variation of the same story.
One day, their person dies. They lose the only friend they’ve ever known — and now that they’re older, nobody wants to care for them. The city shelter steps in to keep them from becoming homeless, but with so few resources, the shelter can’t make up for the loss of the cat's family, their home, and even the little comforts in life — a window to look out of, a bed, a favorite toy.
It takes an exceptional cat, like Tony, to rise above these circumstances.

A scraggly, FIV+ cat just asking to be loved
Eddie came to us as a shabby foster cat. He had a gum infection that made it painful for him to groom, and because of his FIV, and the severity of his condition, it was going to take a while to get him back into good health. Over the next several months Cat Town helped us cycle through medication, vet visits, and teeth removals until Eddie was out of pain. It took removing all but his last two teeth before he showed improvement, but after months of medical care and, I'd like to think, our boundless love for Eddie, he finally stabilized.

Meet Our Mission Cats
When we scan the Oakland shelter for cats who are struggling, we meet cats of all ages, recently surrendered and scared of their new environment: from senior cats desperate for the calm and comfort of a home to Forgotten Kittens, at risk of becoming more feral every day without dedicated human interaction. We’ve met every kind of vulnerable cat, but their needs have never been a deterrent for us. “Unadoptable” is not in the Cat Town vocabulary, and thanks to your support, we’re taking that mindset nationwide.
The cats who make their way to Cat Town — the cats most in need of help — are what we call “mission cats.” So today, we want to introduce you to some of the “mission cats” you have saved with your donations. Thank you for giving these cats the second chance they deserve.