September 2022 Adoptions

As summer turns to fall, we look for ways to stay cozy and warm, and fill our days with joy. That’s true for our cats as well — especially those who found families in September!

Last month, 34 lucky Cat Town cats got adopted — and your support meant that along the way, they received all the care they needed to be the very best versions of themselves. You helped these cats get to the next (and best) stage of their lives: the part where they get to spend the rest of their days with people who love them.

Thank you for helping them find their home sweet homes!


Rex arrived at the city shelter after life on the streets. He didn’t like being in a cage, and would only let shelter volunteers touch him while he was distracted by food. At our Adoption Center, he became an entirely new cat — and soon got adopted by someone with another Cat Town cat looking for a BFF. It hasn’t been long, but Rex is already asking for pets in his new home, and gently making the acquaintance of his new feline friend.

When April and Alistair became stressed by a new dog in their home and started avoiding their litter box, we got them into our Studios, where their troubles melted away. Not long after, they got adopted by a dog-free family, who tells us that April has been renamed Mimi (because she thinks it’s all about “me! me!”), and the pair are doing wonderfully. “Both Mimi and Al have become big snugglers, and now we're seeing more of them playing with each other, which is a lot of fun.”

When the shelter received 17 cats in a single day, your support meant we were able to immediately take in 6 cats to clear space for the new arrivals. Two of them — Cucumber and Broccoli — were adopted within 24 hours! Their adopters tell us, “They're so sweet and so curious! You can tell they're a bonded pair, and it's helping them adjust with so much more confidence. When Broccoli (now Donut) can't find her brother Cucumber (now Pesto), she'll cry for him, but she just wants to see where he is.”

Luna was stressed in her shelter cage after only knowing life in a home, so we got her into foster care. There, she showed off her playful spirit, and in spite of a few medical hiccups, convinced her fosters to keep her. They report, “Luna’s been doing well, and continues to keep us on top of our playtime responsibilities.” We’re so happy that Luna found herself a family who appreciates her silly side!

When 15-year-old Cupcake’s guardian passed away, their next of kin took her to be euthanized. Thankfully, her microchip led her to us instead. This silky-haired beauty had some standard senior medical needs — hyperthyroidism and matted fur — but she took everything in stride. Her fosters would even bring her to our Adoption Center for sanitary trims, holding her in their arms as she blinked gently. Cupcake got adopted by someone ready to take on her medical care, and seems delighted to have found a new, loving home!


All of our SEPTEMBER Adoptions

Did you adopt from Cat Town? Tell us how your cat is doing! We always love to hear updates from our alumni.

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