October 2023 Adoptions

Last month, we celebrated black cat month with 40 adoptions, including 7 black cats. At Cat Town, we know black cats rule! Whether sleek or fluffy; shy or confident; kitten, senior, or somewhere in between, these beautiful cats make great companions — just ask our recently-elected mayors, Cat Town alumni Baldwin and Jojo!

We’re putting the spotlight on house panthers who found love in October, all with your support. Thank you for standing with us to help overlooked cats be seen for what makes each uniquely lovable. No matter their need, they could become the best version of themselves because you made sure that we could get them into our care. You helped them heal, find their courage, and find love. Your donations, your volunteer hours, your support of every color — all of it helped these cats thrive and find their happily ever afters.


When we needed to treat a large number of cats for ringworm — including rambunctious kittens Jess and Coach — our volunteers stepped up to help with laundry, sulfur-bath dips, and socialization. This pair was especially fortunate, because they got adopted while in recovery from this contagious but fairly harmless rash, and were able to continue their treatment at home, opening up space for more cats at our Adoption Center. Our team worked with their adopters to ensure they crossed the finish line, and now these two are enjoying life to its fullest, exploring their home, and snuggling with their family every chance they get.

When Noir was surrendered to the city shelter, she was anxious and desperate for love, calling out to anyone who would listen. Everyone was happy to oblige by petting her soft fur and giving her reassurance. However, we knew she’d feel more relaxed if she could just get back into a home-like environment, so we placed her with a foster. The very next day, they asked to adopt her, telling us what we already knew — Noir is “a real good cat.” Now this little lady is living the good life!

Jett was surrendered to Oakland Animal Services after life in a home, and kept herself hidden as much as possible. Shelter staff and volunteers could pet her, but she was clearly unhappy, so we got her into a foster home. At first, Jett continued to hide, but her foster reported that she was “fighting an internal battle of fear vs. neediness” — and fear was losing. Over just a few weeks, her desire for love won out. She hid less, played more, and found her voice — which she used to demand treats! After two months, she was even sleeping in bed with people. Jett’s adopter is showing her lots of love and patience, too, telling us she “has come out of her shell a lot more, and is very playful (and very vocal to let me know when it's time for me to play with her haha). She's so sweet, and I'm happy every time I get to see her when I come home!”

After being found injured, Binx was brought to Oakland Animal Services to get help. This scruffy stray had an abscessed wound on his shoulder, a mottled eye, and missing fur that seemed to be due to skin allergies. Although he loved pets, he would also get overexcited, and accidentally bit someone at the shelter. We got him into foster care to help him recover and relax. It was just the break this poor little guy needed! Once he’d completed his four-week course of medication for his itchy skin, Binx was ready to adopt. In his new home, he spends most of his time by his adopter’s side, chilling and listening to smooth jazz.

Nutella arrived at our city shelter as a stray with FIV, or feline immunodeficiency virus. This wary girl stayed out of sight, and was headed for a life as a working cat — until a shelter volunteer had a breakthrough: after some food bribery, Nutella let them pet her! Not only that, she leaned in hard and seemed to enjoy touch. She still refused to leave her hiding spot, so we knew she must have felt overwhelmed by life in a cage. We got her to the less stressful environment of our Adoption Center for assessment in our Feral or Fearful pilot program, and confirmed that she was just too eager for love to be a working cat. We found a great foster to help her with her confidence, and after a short time there, she got adopted. This lucky girl is home!

When cats need extra TLC to recover from injuries, overcome fear and anxiety, or just get a chance to show off their wonderful personalities, we can be there for them — all thanks to your support. You make Cat Town a safe space for cats who need a second chance. Thank you for helping each of these cats get adopted!


All of our October Adoptions

Did you adopt from Cat Town? Tell us how your cat is doing! We always love to hear updates from our alumni.

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