March 2024 Adoptions
In March, we had 35 adoptions! With your support, 11 sick or injured cats received the medical care they needed, from treating stomach issues to reducing arthritis pain. When the shelters become too crowded or overwhelming, you helped us bring 13 stressed and shy cats into calm environments so they could find and grow their confidence. You helped 2 seniors receive the love and care they needed to blossom into their best selves for potential adopters, 6 black cats receive the attention and promotion needed to be noticed, and 9 cats in bonded pairs go home with their best friend and explore a new environment with support.
We’re so grateful to see these cats adopted, and to have a total of 100 adoptions so far this year! We have another 61 cats in our care — either waiting to get adopted or receiving the support they need to get ready for a home. We'll celebrate their adoptions soon, but for now, here are some of our favorite adoptions from last month. Thank you for making it possible for these cats to find families!
Quilt came into Cat Town as a shy and fearful 5-month-old kitten. She had spent the previous month at the city shelter swatting and hissing at people from the back of her cage, too stressed to learn to trust humans. Because scared kittens over 10-weeks-old are often considered unadoptable, we brought Quilt into our Forgotten Kitten Project, and helped her find the courage to be more social, accept pets with fluffy touch tools, and interact with other cats. When our watchful staff and volunteers noticed her losing a lot of weight, we quickly scheduled lab work and an exam with our veterinary partner, and learned that she had Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP) — an aggressive viral disease widely considered fatal. However, Cat Town had cured FIP with a promising new medication once before, so we had hope. Quilt’s treatment involved daily injections, pills, and a special diet to help her weight gain and hydration, and required a lot of attentiveness, patience, and love from both staff members and volunteers. After three months, Quilt completed her last FIP treatment before her 84 day observation period, and at the end of that period, Quilt was declared free of FIP! During her recovery, Quilt bonded with Seabiscuit, a wily and rambunctious gray tuxedo whose presence helped Quilt with her shyness by giving her a confident example. Quilt’s presence also soothed Seabiscuit’s high-energy behavior by giving him a friend and companion. Their sweet interactions caught the eye of interested adopters, we were thrilled to see them adapting comfortably together in their new loving home!
When the Stanislaus shelter found 12-year-old Posie, she had a large wound on her cheek, dental disease, and tapeworms, and had been diagnosed as having FIV (Feline Immunodeficiency Virus), stomatitis, and CKD (Chronic Kidney Disease). With so much care needed, the shelter asked for immediate rescue, and Cat Town was happy to bring this sweet petite girl into our foster program. In her foster home, Posie quickly revealed herself a playful princess, preferring Posie-sized boxes over her bed, snoring in the cutest way, and demanding affection and cuddles by pushing her little head into her foster’s hand and purring loudly. She proves that a tiny body can contain so much love and personality, and we’re so glad to see her adopted by someone ready to keep an eye on her health, and give her all the attention she deserves!
Bonded pair Kibbeh and Falafel came from a litter of strays, and were brought to Cat Town so they could be playful and confident examples for our cats in our main Cat Zone. Noticing that Kibbeh had lost her appetite, lost weight, had bloody diarrhea, and had become increasingly lethargic, we put the 6-month-old siblings in one of our cat studios so we could better monitor her health. After she had her vet exam and lab work done, we began treating Kibbeh for gastroenteritis — inflammation in the stomach and intestines — with a special diet, increased fluids, and careful watch of her daily behavior. During this time, we noticed Falafel having similar symptoms, and placed him under the same regimen. Within a couple of weeks, their spirits, weight, and appetite had returned to normal! We knew they would need an attentive adopter who could maintain special care of their gut health, and we’re ever grateful that the family who adopted them is giving them that care, telling us, “They’re settling in very well! They already own the place!”
Forgotten Kittens Gomez and Morticia had never learned to trust or engage with humans when they first arrived at Cat Town. Our volunteers got to work helping them feel safe in their own studio, but then we noticed hair loss and rashes consistent with ringworm, and sure enough, they needed to be quarantined and treated for ringworm. The events hindered our goal of gaining their trust they instead had to deal with frequent medicated baths — an uncomfortable situation to be in, especially for these nervous 3-month-old kittens! Once the treatment was done, we got right back to work, slowly earning their trust and seeing more confident personalities, playing and showing curiosity toward strangers. The sweet black cats also earned the trust of a compassionate adopter, and we have no doubt this bonded pair will continue finding their confidence in their new home.
Charming and cuddly Carmen Sandiego reunited with Cat Town after she had been adopted from us 10 years prior! She had been surrendered to a San Diego shelter for euthanasia due to her age and her avoidance of her litter box. Luckily, Cat Town microchips each of our cats, so that if they ever turn up lost, we can be reached to help reunite them with their guardian — or, if need be, take them back into our care. The shelter contacted Cat Town, and our team rallied together to bring this sweet girl back to Oakland. Though she arrived at our adoption center a bit timid and avoidant of food, once her painful dental issues were resolved, she quickly showed her cozy and kind personality, making biscuits, snuggling, and giving slow blinks. Her adopters tell us, “Carmen has been a delightful addition to our family and is settling right in. Her favorite spot is the couch where she can look at the squirrels and birds and catch some sun. She also has playful bursts in the mornings and enjoys chasing balls or little stuffies. She's made some progress getting to know our rabbits and recently rubbed her face on one of them, which was sweet and unexpected. And her litter box habits have been great!”
From everyone at Cat Town, thank you for helping these cats, and so many others!
All of our February Adoptions
Did you adopt from Cat Town? Tell us how your cat is doing! We always love to hear updates from our alumni.
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