June 2020 Adoptions

Cat Town exists to make sure Rigatoni got medical intervention, and that Slider and Southpaw had time to recover from living with 17 other cats in an overcrowded home. We help bonded pairs like Joseph and Dolores stick together, and help wallflowers like Julia and Luisa find their place in the spotlight. We exist to give every cat the second chance they need — to find a path home for every cat that needs it.

You believe in our cats, and your support helps them on their journey home, so please join us in celebrating all the cats who found adopters in June!

Forgotten Kittens like Stafford bloomed into wonderful companions with a bit of TLC.

Forgotten Kittens like Stafford bloomed into wonderful companions with a bit of TLC.

Beautiful Alpine arrived at Cat Town with the goal of teaching shyer cats to be brave by example. Now she’s adopted — in a home with Cat Town alum Delia, who was adopted in 2018!

Beautiful Alpine arrived at Cat Town with the goal of teaching shyer cats to be brave by example. Now she’s adopted — in a home with Cat Town alum Delia, who was adopted in 2018!

Shy cats like Enzo recovered from the stress of a shelter cage.

Shy cats like Enzo recovered from the stress of a shelter cage.

Gentle senior cats like Stella charmed their adopters into taking them home for good.

Gentle senior cats like Stella charmed their adopters into taking them home for good.

Overlooked black cats like Mallory got their chance to find a family.

Overlooked black cats like Mallory got their chance to find a family.


All of our June Adoptions

We’re honored to have helped these cats overcome every obstacle to arrive safely at the best leg of their journey — the final stretch that brought them home. Thank you for walking this path with us to help them on their way!

Did you adopt from Cat Town? Tell us how your cat is doing! We always love to hear updates from our alumni.

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May 2020 Adoptions