July 2022 Adoptions

We’re wading through the thick of summer, and up to our ears in cats! Thankfully, we’ve had plenty of adoptions to help us out. Our wonderful adopters lucked out on 30 incredible cats last month — each with a story to tell. 

In July, your support helped stressed cats like Coffee, who hid in his shelter cage and growled when anyone came near. You gave our first Summer School kittens, Lemon and Lime, the encouragement they needed to meet their adopters with newfound bravery, and graduate with flying colors. Cats in need of medical attention — like Roy Rogers, who came to us so obese that he suffered from fractured ankles, and senior Celeste, whose diabetes is now in remission — each got the care they needed, too. 

We can help these cats thanks to our incredible supporters, like you — so we’re thrilled to celebrate these adoptions together!


Soleil had a history of hard play-biting — so we brought her to our Adoption Center to help her learn by example how to play more gently from the other young cats in our free-roaming room. Her adopter was looking for a cat they could teach tricks, and being the smart girl that she is, Soleil was giving them high-fives by the end of their meeting! Needless to say, she’s all they wanted and more.

Ten-year-old Halo was brought to her city’s shelter for litter box avoidance (a common issue with declawed cats like her). Not long after arriving into our care, she stopped eating — she had a urinary tract infection, and needed fluids and medication to get her appetite back. During her recovery, a family fell in love with her, and after hearing about her health prognosis, told us, “We have all unanimously and enthusiastically decided we would love to take her, and we would be happy to pick her up as soon as she's available.” As of the first night, Halo is already familiarizing herself with each new lap and cuddling in bed.

At the shelter, Hanoi adored playtime, but would hiss and swat at volunteers. She was stressed and confused about her confinement — so we got her into a foster home where she could completely unwind. She made great progress, and even resolved her mixed feelings about pets with a resounding yes! Her adopters say she’s doing well in her new home.

When we got the SOS that the Antioch shelter was full, we brought Dosa to Cat Town. One of 9 cats we helped last month who were at risk due to local shelters running out of cage space, this sweet and social 6-year-old spent less than two weeks in our care before getting scooped up by a loving adopter, who let us know, “She made herself right at home with lots of exploring, cuddling, and constant purring. She specializes in making raspberry chocolate chip biscuits.”

Every cat has a story to tell — and thanks to people like you, their stories have happy endings!


All of our July Adoptions

Did you adopt from Cat Town? Tell us how your cat is doing! We always love to hear updates from our alumni.

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