December 2022 Adoptions

What better way to end the year than by finding homes for plenty of deserving cats? Last month you helped us do just that for 41 lucky cats — including 6 kittens from our new adoption area at the Rockridge Pet Food Express!

Ending our year with 345 total adoptions made us feel so grateful to you for everything we accomplished in 2022. Thank you for making our work possible, and helping these “unadoptable” cats and kittens find loving homes.

Here are just a few of the cats who got adopted in December!


Goldfish and Guppy were two of the first adoptions from our new Pet Food Express adoption location. We launched this program last month to help empty more shelter cages, and so far it’s going great. With the help of our volunteers and Pet Food Express, these plucky youngsters were scooped up in less than 10 days — just in time for Christmas!

Mr. Spock was stressed in his shelter cage — he’d been returned once already by someone who didn’t feel equipped to help him overcome his shyness. The shelter vet got him on medication to help him feel less anxious while he was in their care, and we got him into a nice calm foster home where he’d feel safe. We followed up with dental work to help him with some painful teeth. Soon, his sweet personality was shining bright! He got adopted to a family with two senior cats. His new family tells us, “Mr. Spock is a wonderful diplomat.” He’s settling in beautifully.

Tony and Carmella landed in our care after a long stay at the shelter, where they’d been huddled in fear, hissing at shelter volunteers. At our Adoption Center, Tony quickly felt at ease and turned on the charm, playing and delighting volunteers and guests alike. The older cats helped him learn to play nicely, and our volunteers taught him that hands are not for nibbling. It wasn’t long before Carmella let her guard down too, and revealed her hearty purr. This duo got adopted by a family with kids who love them — and Carmella is now taking the lead by asking for pets, hogging her brother’s food, and sleeping in bed with her new people.

Thirteen-year-old Ruffalo arrived at the shelter after his guardian passed away. This sweet boy had a mast cell tumor on his paw, and his thyroid issues made him too underweight for surgery. We got him on medication, and worked to get his weight up at a healthy pace. Soon, he started to play, cuddle, and happily eat food with support from his foster guardian. After reaching a stable weight, he underwent a successful surgery — Ruffalo is cancer free! His adopters have a quiet home, and wanted to help an older cat in need of a safe place. They instantly felt a bond with him, and told us, “We are so very excited to have him join us!”

These cats all had a happy end to their 2022, and look forward to an even happier new year. We hope you do as well!


All of our December Adoptions

Did you adopt from Cat Town? Tell us how your cat is doing! We always love to hear updates from our alumni.

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