Debunking Myths About Black Cats: Pt. 2
As Black Cat Awareness Month continues, we’re doing our part by dispelling common misconceptions about our ebony feline friends. Be sure to check out our first installment and show some extra love to the black cats in your life all throughout the month of October!
Grayson showing his appreciation for black cat friend, Thelma. Photo by Laura Blangsted.
For some reason, black cats have the unfair reputation of being more aggressive than other colored cats. However, a recent study by the University of California, Davis, actually found that black cats tended to be calmer and more approachable compared to cats of other colors.
It’s also important to keep in mind that any cat can show signs of aggression, depending on their past history; they could have been abused or experienced some other traumatic situation. Behavior is more likely related to experience than appearance.
Tofu, one of our forgotten kittens, is currently up for adoption with his bonded partner, Sheila. Photo by Marie Luise Klotz.
Cats who display aggressive tendencies in the shelter are often just reacting to the stress of the environment. Time and time again, cats who arrive at Cat Town exhibiting aggressive behaviors quickly become affectionate or at least more relaxed versions of themselves. A change of environment and a little patience goes a long way for cats of any color.
So the next time you meet a black cat, be sure to check your stereotypes at the door because every cat is different!
Darcy leans back in the lap of one of our staff members. Photo by Cathy Niland.
See our current black cats up for adoption below, and email to inquire about adopting! or if you'd like to join the Cat Town team and help us continue our life saving work, check out our volunteer page for details!
Read our previous post debunking myths here
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